Note: Produce of Surabhi are tested as per the established and approved test procedures. They stand the test of guaranty.

Please visit for information about conservation, breeding and importance of pure desi cow and its depiction in vedaas. Ankush provides technical assistance to Surabhi pooja.

Hello Devotees




' Good news ' to devtees who are longing to find unadulterated pooja materials. Many a devotee procure pooja items from any source unsuspectingly, being ignorant of the fact that spurious pooja items are sold in the market.

' SURABHI ' is born to up hold and practice the values of the process of performing pooja as prescribeed in vedas, generally known as vedic pooja process. we are committed to impart knowledge and spread among devotees the gains of performing pooja the right way i.e. with right articles in their pure and unadulterated form.

Today the entire world. is toiling under the shadow of the titan called 'Adulteration'. This edpidemic is predominant in india, it is no exaggeration that there is nothing on earth escapes form the clutches of the said evil. Even the 'pancha Gavyas' which are considered sanctimonious and auspicious in performing vedic pooja as per Hindu cusoms are not spared either. Though we can;t eradicate deep rooted adulteration entirely, at SURABHI ad a Dharmic seva center, we endeavour our best, with firm commitment, to drive the evil away from setting it's foot, in God related issues.

In line with the above ideal, 'SURABHI' opened an outlet exclusively to store and supply to devtees vedic pooja items in their chaste and purest form (100 Percent)

  • a2 milk
  • ButterMilk
  • Ghee